2,289 research outputs found

    El proceso de declaratoria de reincidencia de tránsito: un examen de su sujeción al procedimiento administrativo sancionador y su tipicidad

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    Artículo de investigaciónEn esta investigación se analiza la interpretación dada por la Secretaría Distrital de Movilidad al artículo 124 del Código Nacional de Tránsito Terrestre (Ley 769 de 2002) consistente, por una parte, en que la tipicidad de la reincidencia se establece a partir de la existencia de más de un acto administrativo ejecutoriado en el que se declare contraventor al ciudadano y, de la otra, en que de dicha norma se extrae un proceso especial Lo anterior, por cuanto esta hermenéutica conduce a que en la práctica no se verifique si las conductas desplegadas por el ciudadano realmente constituían faltas a las normas de tránsito y a que se aplique la sanción de suspensión de la licencia de conducción sin las garantías del procedimiento administrativo sancionatorio.1. Introducción. 2. La importancia del análisis jurídico de la reincidencia de tránsito. 3. Principios orientadores del Derecho Administrativo Sancionador. 4. La suspensión de la licencia de conducción por reincidencia como sanción administrativa y el procedimiento para su imposición. 5. Conclusion. 6.ReferenciasPregradoAbogad

    Potential and analysis of an osmotic power plant in the Magdalena River using experimental field-data

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    Producción CientíficaThe Magdalena River mouth in Colombia is studied as a candidate site for a renewable power plant via osmotic energy technology, using pressure retarded osmosis. This power generation plant would operate through the controlled mix of two flows with different salinities (river water and seawater in this case study). A preliminary design of a pressure retarded osmosis power plant is proposed here by means of experimental data acquisition on-site at the river mouth. The obtained net power production is shown to reach 6 MW, with adequate membrane power densities above 5 W/m2. These promising results consider energetic losses involved in the process, which have been further analysed to propose improvement targets in pretreatment processes and membrane permeability.Spanish Ministry of Economy through the project DPI2014-54530-R and the predoctoral grant BES-2015-073871, by the Junta de Castilla y León and European Regional Development Fund, UIC 233, and by the Banco Santander Iberoamérica Research Grants program. Field data acquisition was funded by COLCIENCIAS -Department of Science, Technology and Innovation of Colombia- by the project: 121571451074, resolution 881 – 2015


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    La teoría económica convencional se basa en elsupuesto de una racional de las decisiones de losagentes dentro de los modelos planeados por laortodoxia. Este comportamiento racional no esdel todo cierto ya que las personas no siemprebasadas en sus motivaciones económicas. Losespíritus animales son aquellos comportamientosque dificultan los resultados de la teoría económica,creando una fuerte oposición entre racionalidadeconómica e irracionalidad humana. Autorescomo Descartes, Hume y Keynes han dado susaportes en la definición y explicación de estoscomportamientos no racionales acorde al desarrollode sus campos de conocimiento llegandohasta George Akerloff y Robert Shiller (2009) paraexplicar las emociones y comportamientoshumanos que inciden en la confianza de la tomade decisiones financieras y económicas. Elpresente documento hace una breve aproximacióny desarrollo del concepto de espíritus animalesen la compresión de la economía, aclarandoque existe una distinción entre lo propuesto porKeynes y la escuela comportamental actual

    Chemical characterization of an encapsulated red wine powder and its effects on neuronal cells

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    Red wine polyphenols are known for their implications for human health protection, although they suffer from high instability. For this reason, a red wine powder was prepared by freeze-drying encapsulation in maltodextrin/arabic gum matrix, and its composition was determined by means of high-performance liquid chromatography coupled quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS-QTOF). More than thirty polyphenols, including anthocyanins, flavanols, flavonols, phenolic acids and stilbenoids, were identified. Some of the main quantified polyphenols were: malvidin-3-O-glucoside, malvidin 3-O-(6”-acetyl-glucose), petunidin-3-O-glucoside, quercetin-3-O-glucuronide, syringenin-3-O-glucoside, epicatechin, gallic acid and syringic acid. The biological activity of this de-alcoholized and encapsulated red wine on human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells was studied. The results showed that the encapsulated red wine powder has active redox properties, as verified by performing reactive oxygen species (ROS) analysis utilizing a neuronal model. This could help explain its action against the neurotoxicity induced by 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA).Fil: Rocha Parra, Diego Fernando. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnologia de Alimentos y Nutrición; España. Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina "Santa María de los Buenos Aires"; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Chirife, Jorge. Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina "Santa María de los Buenos Aires"; ArgentinaFil: Zamora, María Clara. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina "Santa María de los Buenos Aires"; ArgentinaFil: de Pascual Teresa, Sonia. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnologia de Alimentos y Nutrición; Españ

    Drying/encapsulation of red wine to produce ingredientes for healthy foods

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    Epidemiological evidence indicates that moderate consumption of red wine reducesthe incidence of coronary disease, atherosclerosis, and platelet aggregation. Wine is very rich in antioxidant compounds because of their phenolic components.However, many people for ethnic, social or religious reasons do not consume wine. Drying/encapsulation of red wine in the presence of adequate carbohydrates leads to water and more than 99% of alcohol removal; a glassy amorphous microstructure is obtained in which the wine's phenolic compounds are entrapped. The resulting product is a free flowing powder which could be used for the polyphenol enrichment of healthy foods and/or drink powders, as well as in the pharmaceutical industry. The wine industry may take advantage of the dried/encapsulated red wine using as a raw material red wines which have littlecommercial value for different reasons; i.e. poor quality due to raw material, unfavourable climatic conditions, or wines that suffered some alteration during the wine making process. Dry encapsulated wine may be a new alternative to red wines that cannot be sold as such for different reasons, and open new opportunities to diversify wine products.Fil: Alvarez Gaona, Izmari Jasel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina "Santa María de los Buenos Aires"; ArgentinaFil: Rocha Parra, Diego Fernando. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina "Santa María de los Buenos Aires"; ArgentinaFil: Zamora, María Clara. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina "Santa María de los Buenos Aires"; ArgentinaFil: Chirife, Jorge. Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina "Santa María de los Buenos Aires"; Argentin

    El llamado tercer sector en el escenario ecuatoriano de la "Revolución Ciudadana"

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    Since the nineties, the number and the types of organization of Third Sector in Ecuador are increasing substantially, in the same way of Latin America. The public police of the current Government, whose speech prioritizes the social perspective, have been implemented through a very strict regulatory framework and, due to this, the activities of the NGO ' s (OSC) is facing a set of conditions and a series of restrictions. This new institutional rules, in fact, results in a significant reduction significant of their activities in the country. There is an apparent contradiction in this new dynamic: a Government that promises improve the citizenship and the social conditions of society and, at the same time, prevents the activities of organizations that, by nature, principles and design, could improve the participation and representation of society. This article explores, based on assumptions of CSO nature and secondary data, this contradiction in the so-called third sector in Ecuador. In addition, it aims to show that, at the same time the State recovers its regulatory role, it reduces the participation and action of civil society in social policies construction, every time that there is a vertical relationship between the State and organized civil society.A partir de la década de los noventa, hubo un incremento sustancial en el número y en el llamado de organizaciones del Tercer Sector en el Ecuador, siguiendo una tendencia de América Latina. Con la implementación de políticas públicas del actual gobierno ecuatoriano (2008), cuyo discurso prioriza lo social en detrimento del capital, a través de un cuadro normativo regulatorio y estricto, las actividades de las ONG's (OSC) se vieron paradójicamente condicionadas a una serie de restricciones, resultando en una reducción significativa de sus actividades en el país. Existe una aparente contradicción en esta nueva dinámica: un gobierno de corte social desmovilizando las actividades de organizaciones que, en principio, por su naturaleza y concepción, estarían fortaleciendo la participación y la representación de la sociedad. Este artículo explora, a partir de supuestos sobre la naturaleza de las OSC y de datos secundarios en el contexto del Ecuador, esta contradicción en la que se mueven las organizaciones del denominado tercer sector. Asimismo, pretende demostrar que, al mismo tiempo que el Estado recupera su rol regulatorio, se observa en verdad menor participación y actuación de la sociedad civil en las políticas sociales, toda vez que se fortalece una relación vertical del Estado con la sociedad civil

    Aesthetics in the Adoption of Information and Communication Technology

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    Borrowing from Davis’ (1989) Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Venkatesh and Morris (2000) TAM2 and Kant’s (1790) Theory of Aesthetics; we aim to expand on the contributions and frameworks provided by the literature by testing the nomological relationships between aesthetic judgment, user’s personality and the adoption of innovation in Information and Communication Technology (ICT). This study contributes an exploratory scale for the measurement of aesthetics in ICT. Survey data is utilized to explain perceived aesthetics, moderated by aesthetic centrality of a user, in addition to perceived usefulness, as dimensions of an ICT product that influence adoption intent. Preliminary results also show a weakening influence of social norms, non-significant ease of use indicators. We propose a shift in the paradigm of adoption of ICT innovation in which design, brand affinity and usefulness define the competitiveness of an ICT device in today’s market

    The Bitter Cry: materiales para una genealogía de la identidad profesional de las pioneras del Trabajo Social en Inglaterra y los Estados Unidos

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    In reviewing the process of institutionalization of social work in England and United States during the first third of the twentieth century, arise some stereotypical and biased issues of professional identity of social workers which are still present today. To account for the genesis of the profession, rather than appeal to the deus ex machina of proper names, in this article we try to objectify, under the frame of the social and intellectual history, the conditions that contributed to its formation. Historical criticism allows bringing light to the contributions of a large group of pioneering women, as the circle of Toynbee Hall, who replaced the case work for the social work from the new social science. These women addressed social issues, created new observation techniques, and pledged in favor of social reform. In today’s uncertain times, the generous social and political commitment of the first social workers turns out to be especially exemplary.Al revisar el proceso de institucionalización del Trabajo Social en Inglaterra y Estados Unidos, durante el primer tercio del siglo XX, se vuelven problemáticas algunas concepciones estereotipadas y sesgadas de la identidad profesional de los trabajadores sociales que siguen estando operativas. Para dar cuenta de la génesis de la profesión, más que apelar al deus ex machina de los nombres propios, en este artículo tratamos de objetivar en la historia social e intelectual las condiciones que contribuyeron a su formación. La crítica histórica permite de este modo sacar a la luz las aportaciones de un amplio colectivo de mujeres pioneras, como el círculo de Toynbee Hall, quienes sustituyeron el case work por el social work a partir de la nueva ciencia social. Estas mujeres abordaron la cuestión social, crearon nuevas técnicas de observación, y se comprometieron en favor de la reforma social. En los actuales tiempos de incertidumbre, el generoso compromiso social y político de las primeras trabajadoras sociales resulta especialmente ejemplar

    Preparing for generation Z:how can technology enhanced learning be firmly embedded in our students' learning experience? A case study from Abertay University

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    Abertay is a relatively small, modern university (undergraduate population of around 4000) with a wide portfolio and a diverse student population. Around 35% of our students are direct entry from local partner colleges to years 2 and 3 of our programmes and a significant number are first generation higher education within their families. As such, partnership working with colleges and support to aid student transitions are key aspects of Abertay’s provision. Since 2013/14, the university has developed and implemented a new Teaching and Learning Enhancement strategy that has catalysed wholescale transformation across the institution. This paper provides an overview of technology enhanced learning at the university with the drivers for change being to the quality of our students' learning experience, improve student retention and progression and enhance learners’ engagement

    The Influence of Digital Transformation of the Peruvian Public Sector on Citizen Trust

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    Developing countries have been launching e-government projects; a number of them have, however, failed partially or completely, generating distrust in citizens. E-government implies an internal approach, which has been extended with an external view as a consequence of the Digital Transformation in the public sector and its relationship with citizen trust. This paper aims to study the influence of digital transformation of the Peruvian public sector on citizen trust. We propose a quantitative method of research using the structural equation modeling (SEM) technique to assess our proposed model